Our purpose is to exist to glorify God in the church that Jesus built and purchased with His own blood (Eph. 3:21). The church is not a denomination, but the exclusive body of Christ where reconciliation is found (Eph. 2:16). Any time the pure seed of Christianity is planted, the pure church of the Bible is the result. Thus we believe and preach the church of the New Testament, without addition or subtraction. Our only creed and rule of faith are the Bible. Our organization, worship, terms of entrance, name and such as are defined by God. We do all things "in the name of the Lord," meaning we seek Bible authority for all we do (Col. 3:17). Our mission is to seek and save the lost by preaching the Gospel to the world without prejudice (Matt. 28:18-20). Those that believe and are baptized shall be saved (Mark 16:15-16). We also seek to do good to all men, especially those of the household of faith (Gal. 6:10). For those in the church, we seek to edify and build up each other in the most holy faith (Jude 20).
We believe that all things that have a beginning have a cause and that cause is God. We believe God created the heavens and the earth. We believe the earth is relatively young and that God created all things in six literal twenty-four-hour days.
We believe that God exists in three persons, namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that each member of the Godhead is distinct, but that all three members are equal to each other in essence and purpose.
We believe the Father planned the Scheme of Redemption, that the Son brought redemption, and that the Spirit reveals redemption.
We believe that the sixty-six books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, are inspired by God. We believed God breathed out His words through the instrumentality of selected men, and that His word is our final source of authority.
We believe Jesus only built one church. Accordingly, we believe that Jesus determines the specifics of the church: her name, her doctrine, her practice. He purchased the church with His own blood, and we are humbled that God, through His grace, extends the opportunity for us to serve Him in it.
We believe that men are saved by the grace of God through His word, coupled with our faith and obedience to conditions of pardon. We do not believe men can earn or merit salvation. We do believe that Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all that obey Him.
We believe that men must hear the Gospel, believe that Jesus is the Son of God, repent of sin, confess the Lord's identity and be baptized in water for the remission of sins. We believe the Lord adds obedient people to His one church.
We believe that our worship must be in spirit and in truth. We believe that offerings to God must be made cheerfully and with the whole heart. We believe that a pattern for worship exists, including praying, singing, preaching, and the Lord's Supper and a Contribution on the first day of the week.
We are often asked where we stand, and we say "with God." We seek to follow God without departing to the right or left of His standard.