House to House Heart to Heart is a tool to teach our friends and neighbors the Gospel in a loving way.
Apologetics Press Book Store and many free study aids
The Gospel of Christ is a Media Program designed to "take the WHOLE gospel to the WHOLE world".
The Gospel Broadcasting Network delivers the message of salvation to people of every age through a variety of resources. GBN live Christian radio is changing hearts with the truth of the Gospel all day every day.
Christian Courier by Wayne Jackson features articles on a wide-variety of biblical topics.
World Video Bible School has been privileged to serve the church since 1986 by making teaching and evangelism materials for the church’s use worldwide. We are committed to producing and distributing excellent quality, scripturally sound, inexpensively priced Bible study material through video, audio and the written page.
The mission of the Tri-Cities School of Preaching and Christian Development is to “Further the Cause of Developing Excellent Preachers in the Churches of Christ and to Train Men of the Book.” The purpose of the Tri-Cities School of Preaching and Christian Development is to prepare men to become faithful preachers of the gospel and offer such courses in Bible and Bible-related subjects as necessary to meet that end. We also want them to be able to defend the truth in any area. Director, Wesley Simons.
Sewing for Christ - According to the Pattern. From the small congregation of the Rising Fawn Church of Christ 25 dresses were sent to the Philippines to be distributed on a mission trip by Don Walker and Chris Gerber of the neighboring congregation at Trenton, Georgia. The project continues with more dresses being made for additional mission trips.
Palm Beach Lakes Church of Christ Preachers Dan Jenkins and David Sproule. You will find a great pool of video and audio sermons, along with helpful articles.